Sunday, April 27, 2008

We Can’t Hear You Mr. President!

Among the many diverse residents of the community I reside in is a man who is very dedicated not only to his community, but to his country. He and his wife have three very fine children one of whom is a graduate of The Military Academy at West Point. Yes she is a commissioned officer in the United States Army.

Over the years of association with the Chierichella family I have had the privilege of watching Marissa grow from a happy little girl into a fine young woman. The fact that she is in the service to the nation in the uniform of an army officer is simply icing on the cake. The entire community is proud of this woman and the fact she is in service to others who yearn for democracy and freedom.

There are many things which I can say about the Chierichella family however I will focus at this time on one particular story. It should not surprise me, since he is so vocal, but a thing which most impresses me about the man Rocco Chierichella is that he is in my humble opinion responsible for the re-election of George W. Bush to the Presidency.

Now you might find that a little difficult to believe but I submit to you that it is the truth. Allow me to explain. Rocco is a former firefighter F.D.N.Y. who immediately responded to the rescue effort at Ground Zero on the tragic day of September 11, 2001.

Understanding that his brother firefighters needed all the help that they could get Rocco left the comfort and safety of his home in order to assist in the heroic actions then taking place that day. While others were running away from the disaster site Rocco was running toward it. This is a typical response for this man and should not surprise anyone.

But what did catch me off guard was when several days later Rocco who was then working what was clearly more a recovery effort than a rescue effort became a part of a story which would later shape the opinion of the American people and a portion of American history.

The way in which this came about was when the President visited the site of violent destruction launched against America by her enemies. Showing just how sincere the visit was by President Bush, Rocco relates that after his arrival at Ground Zero in New York City the President walked right by a group of awaiting government officials and into a crowd of rescue workers including Rocco.

On the day in which our President climbed atop a large pile of what had previously been a part of the now terrorist destroyed World Trade Center, he began to speak to a crowd of about a thousand rescue volunteers. The President spoke with the aide of a small battery operated megaphone.

The crowd was so large that it was difficult for all to hear what the President was saying. As Rocco is a man who is not afraid to speak up he called out “Louder.” Soon thereafter Rocco again spoke out uttering the words which would prove to make President Bush a national icon. Yes those now famous words “We still can’t hear you Mr. President” resulted in the line from George W. Bush “Well I can hear you, and the rest of the world is going to hear from all of us real soon.”

I shall have other things to say on this issue in days ahead.

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