Sunday, April 27, 2008

We Can’t Hear You Mr. President!

Among the many diverse residents of the community I reside in is a man who is very dedicated not only to his community, but to his country. He and his wife have three very fine children one of whom is a graduate of The Military Academy at West Point. Yes she is a commissioned officer in the United States Army.

Over the years of association with the Chierichella family I have had the privilege of watching Marissa grow from a happy little girl into a fine young woman. The fact that she is in the service to the nation in the uniform of an army officer is simply icing on the cake. The entire community is proud of this woman and the fact she is in service to others who yearn for democracy and freedom.

There are many things which I can say about the Chierichella family however I will focus at this time on one particular story. It should not surprise me, since he is so vocal, but a thing which most impresses me about the man Rocco Chierichella is that he is in my humble opinion responsible for the re-election of George W. Bush to the Presidency.

Now you might find that a little difficult to believe but I submit to you that it is the truth. Allow me to explain. Rocco is a former firefighter F.D.N.Y. who immediately responded to the rescue effort at Ground Zero on the tragic day of September 11, 2001.

Understanding that his brother firefighters needed all the help that they could get Rocco left the comfort and safety of his home in order to assist in the heroic actions then taking place that day. While others were running away from the disaster site Rocco was running toward it. This is a typical response for this man and should not surprise anyone.

But what did catch me off guard was when several days later Rocco who was then working what was clearly more a recovery effort than a rescue effort became a part of a story which would later shape the opinion of the American people and a portion of American history.

The way in which this came about was when the President visited the site of violent destruction launched against America by her enemies. Showing just how sincere the visit was by President Bush, Rocco relates that after his arrival at Ground Zero in New York City the President walked right by a group of awaiting government officials and into a crowd of rescue workers including Rocco.

On the day in which our President climbed atop a large pile of what had previously been a part of the now terrorist destroyed World Trade Center, he began to speak to a crowd of about a thousand rescue volunteers. The President spoke with the aide of a small battery operated megaphone.

The crowd was so large that it was difficult for all to hear what the President was saying. As Rocco is a man who is not afraid to speak up he called out “Louder.” Soon thereafter Rocco again spoke out uttering the words which would prove to make President Bush a national icon. Yes those now famous words “We still can’t hear you Mr. President” resulted in the line from George W. Bush “Well I can hear you, and the rest of the world is going to hear from all of us real soon.”

I shall have other things to say on this issue in days ahead.

Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Conservative Internet Media Publishing © 2008
Contact Mayflower Desdendant

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Crossing Constitutional Lines

One of the greatest freedoms enjoyed by citizens of The United States of America is the ability to worship God in the way which we each individually believe to be proper and in our own tradition. So how then can one come to terms with the fact that because of religious practice children have been separated from their mothers, perhaps forever?

We are a nation of laws so when a law comes into conflict with a religious practice, which then must ultimately prevail? Is it not true that the law must prevail in favor of the greater good of society? In example if a religion demanded that some human sacrifice be offered would the law step aside so as not to offend the Constitutional right of the individual to practice human sacrifice?

Clearly laws against murder would and should prevail over such religious practice. But as it relates to this subject, what of the practice of polygamy? Is there harm caused to any who practice such in thing in the name of religion? You might get more than a few differing opinions on that issue.

At one time it was illegal to engage in sexual acts with anyone other than a marriage mate. Today people fornicate at will and it has become our televised recreational entertainment format.

We live in times where homosexual practice is not frowned on by any but a few, homosexuality is in fact celebrated even having a special month set aside so that we might all accept this practice as a rational lifestyle choice. Why then is there so much societal contempt for any who would openly practice multiple marriages?

The reason for marrying in the scriptural sense is to produce offspring and form solid familial relationships for the good of society. Is there any proof that a man having many wives cannot have familial relationship with multiple wives and any resulting children? I suspect that any man who is committed to fathering many children in a closed society is prepared to act as a father to all such offspring.

At this point I must remind the reader that I am in no way in favor of such relationships and do not write this to defend such individuals. I defend them in the practice of polygamy no more than I defend homosexuals in their practices. I simply raise these questions in order to consider the legal ramifications of such a situation.

No one has the legal right to marry and take as wife a girl below the legal age as determined by the legislature of any state. So it is futile to argue such a point unless it was my intended purpose to see that age lowered. That is not my intended purpose.

But what of when one takes action against an entire community when not all within the community are proven to be guilty of violations of law? Can any American citizens sit idly by without sacrificing the protections afforded us all by our Constitution?

In Texas we have seen what I believe to be a serious breech of Constitutional law. A compound of polygamists was raided by heavily armed law enforcement officials basing that raid on a telephone call which was later discovered to have been a false report.

Can we overlook this incident simply because it was proven after the fact that some of the children within this sect have clearly been victimized? It is my personal view after having seen news coverage of some of these “Stepford Wives” that this type of practice makes victims of all members.

But Constitutional law does not answer to my opinion or that of anyone else but perhaps the Justices of our Supreme Court who are charged with interpreting the law. And even then it is done only by a consensus of the majority.

Though not a perfect system of justice it is far better than many which come to mind. So it is clearly important that those who are at the seat of government, the members of the House of Representatives who are responsible for representing the views of their constituents, and also the responsibility of their counterparts in the Senate to fulfill their pledge to defend the Constitution.

Even if the situation in Texas is not a direct attack upon our Constitution it is certainly a blow to that founding document. No American should be willing to allow what has and is taking place in Texas to transpire without the full investigatory powers of The United States Congress.

It is the responsibility of Congress to keep close watch on this situation in order to assure that the Constitutional rights of any citizen within this segment of our society is not harmed. Just because we might not agree with such people we should not be too cavalier with our opinions.

Next time someone decides to “protect the rights” of someone it might be at the cost of our own rights. In order to prevent that from ever happening we must all remain vigilant against any attack upon our Constitutional rights.

Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Conservative Internet Media Publishing © 2008
Contact Mayflower Desdendant

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Michael Savage Voice of Sanity

On more then one occasion I have either read, heard or been told that Michael Savage is insane. If that is the case, than I prefer to be counted among the insane. Michael Savage has time after time been proven correct in his statements. He is virtually always days, weeks, months even years ahead of his contemporaries on political prognostications.

I am not sure that I even have the right to suggest that Michael Savage has contemporaries. He is way out ahead of the crowd. If Savage had been a soldier in World War 2 he would surely have been the man leaving behind the graffiti declaring “Kilroy was here.”

I had begun to think that I was the only American alive who thought that what is being done to persecute members of a polygamist group in Texas is in complete violation of their constitutional rights. I have had other things to say about this issue but since news continues to break and the media begin to give this story legs I have additional comments to add.

As Savage called it days ago, almost as soon as the story broke, it becomes clear that the 16 year old female “victim” who first called to make a charge of child endangerment was in fact someone who has no direct connection to this group. I don’t know what the motive, but whatever the reason it is clear that the Texas authorities involved are now way over the boundary which their jurisdiction affords them.

The longer they permit this obscene charade of justice to continue the more responsibility they assume regarding violation of constitutional law. Perhaps a few violations of Texas law have occurred within this group. However is this reason enough to bring the full force of law against an entire religious community,

I make this statement with the thought that even if some sexual issues have been raised in this matter regarding some teenage girls is it enough to conclude that a small child either male of female is currently at risk. If the child is a teenage male than where is the abuse?

Since there clearly is none in those instances then how is it justifiable to remove those children from the loving arms of their mothers? Clearly there is no justifiable reason to do so. So then why is the State of Texas not returning those children immediately?

The only violations which might have occurred are those related to a liminated number of underage girls being married within the covenants of their faith to older men. The fact that the men are older is not a violation of law since if a man sixty years of age chose to wed a young woman of eighteen that would be permissible in every State in the Union. So why make so much of the issue of the men being older than the girls?

So the only violation is the matter of girls below the age of eighteen. We are not as a people compelled to judge the standards of how this group chooses to live their lives. If they believe that arraigned marriage of young women to older men is their religious tradition then that is their constitutional right.

It is not our place to decide what their religious value system should be. When we judge their tradition it gives others the right to judge ours. Do we want America to go in that direction? We welcome open dialogue but should one American be able to impose her or his tradition of worship? No!

That is clearly the opposite of the values upon which this great nation was established. If we continue to pursue this course we surly will bring about the ultimate collapse of all Constitutional Law.

That is exactly what Michael Savage has been talking about these past few days. Americans have become so accustomed to hearing the siren song of the far left that they have permitted their freedom to be cast upon the reef of despair. Since they have become so accustomed to the freedom they enjoy it seems that they give it not a single thought.

How then can one value that birthright which has been forsaken to the sea of ignorance and complacency? I have no great fondness for any who practice polygamy, but I have enough respect for our Constitution so as to not minimize the great power and obligation which it bestows upon us all.

You cannot enforce law at the cost of law!

We the People of the United States of America have lost our collective ability to think. If the Constitution is lost then no one can say God save America because there will be no Constitutional law protecting that right even to call upon God. Our right to freedom of worship will have vanished beneath the tyrannical hammer.

The dogma of the liberal will have perverted the system against itself to its own ultimate demise. But perhaps there will be a God to whom you might still pray for guidance. You will only need to see a sunrise in order to know which direction to face for prayer!

Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Conservative Internet Media Publishing © 2008
Contact Mayflower Desdendant

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Savage Critical of Texas Lawmen

For the past two days Michael Savage has been firing a barrage of words against those involved in the actions of Texas Lawmen and the child protective services all of whom appear to have forgotten which country they live in. Savage compared this debacle to actions of Nazis in World War 2 Germany.

Though that might be a little over the top what I find far more disturbing is that only Savage is talking about this issue. The only other conversation about the matter is talk show hosts making jokes about it.

Certainly due to the fact that it involves a polygamist sect of Mormonism which even most Mormons reject it has been easy for many to ignore it. But to ignore this matter is to be short sighted in recognizing the evil which lurks behind such clearly illegal government action.

When a governmental agency which allegedly receives a phone call from one sixteen year old girl and moves in like a military invasion force and removes over four hundred children from a religious community one has to ask what is really going on.

At no time in recent years has the government of the United States of America ever acted in such an irresponsible manner. So how is it possible that something of this magnitude can this take place without the raising of an eyebrow?

This is clearly an issue which the Justice Department of the United States has to investigate immediately! Are we all so broken morally that we no longer possess the virtue to stand up for our God given right to freedom and Justice?

The facts seem to point to the reality that this group is practicing polygamy which the average citizen finds either odd or perhaps offensive. But in a society which finds no problem with homosexuality and which might soon make same gender marriage legal then how is it that they move against people who have chosen to practice multiple heterosexual marriage.

Perhaps a portion of this action is aimed at this group because thay not only endorse heterosexual marriage but practice the "offensive act" of sexual intercourse for procreation. Yes friend these people are breeders.

Certainly it might be advisable to launch an investigation into the matter of children being sexual molested or worse in a secretive society. From what I have seen in the news coverage it would appear that there is plenty to be concerned about.

When one is raised in a cult which keeps free from all outside society it becomes impossible for children to make an educated decision which means that they are likely victims of their own society.

It is difficult to find a balance in what rights the State has in protecting children and the rights of the parents of those same children. Children are under law the responsibility of their parents. If one were to fall short of that responsibility then they might have to answer to the authorities.

But this act against an entire religious community is clearly an act of government overstepping its authority. Today the polygamist, tomorrow the Jew and then every other group which the enemies of religion and communities of faith bring into the gun sight.

This action in Texas is not about child welfare it is about the destruction of the religious community which is in my view the last line in the defense against the implementation of a totalitarian regime.

Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Conservative Internet Media Publishing © 2008
Contact Mayflower Desdendant

In stating in paragraph number five “At no time in recent years has the government of the United States of America ever acted in such an irresponsible manner” I failed to mention the "Waco" incident which was also of course related to a religious sect of Branch Dividians. Then there is also the example of “Ruby Ridge.” Both Waco and Ruby Ridge involved loss of life. But still in my view the current situation is far greater in scope.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Freedom of Religion

Once again the recent actions of government open the door to a topic of concern to the conservative thinker. No individual who cares about liberty should simply listen to what the media says without raising questions regarding constitutional issues.

Although it is important to protect the welfare of children it is also important to assure that the government is not permitted to overstep its authority in order to attack a religious group that might practice things which are not accepted as the norm by society at large though not breaking any law in the practice of that religion.

Even if one child had managed to make a cell phone call from the phone of a construction worker does that give the government the right to take into protective custody as many as four hundred or so children? Is that a bit of an overreaction? Is that a government overstepping its boundaries and violating people’s religious freedoms?

Had the government made any attempt to ascertain if accusations of child endangerment were factual before removing a large number of children from a polygamist cult? Or was it simply an opportunity to force a government’s laws upon people who might be guilty of nothing more than practicing a religion which is not acceptable to many others.

Since it is only now that the children are being questioned under what can only be seen as an act of terrorism by these children will they say the truth or be goaded into saying those things which the government wants them to say. Can we at this point in time even believe that what we are told the children say has any merit? Did they even say such things after the fact or is that a convenient contrivance of government.

People talk about the way the children lived in a group which is out of step with mainstream America wearing odd clothing and doing without the finer things of life. Well, isn’t that their prerogative as Americans? Do you want the government to be the arbiter of religious dogma?

As conservatives we are bound by moral belief to allow others to pursue their way of life as much as we pursue our own way of life. It is easy to allow government to take such actions without being questioned by the majority. Simply hint at child abuse and child rape and most people will say hang them without even considering all of the facts.

But when we do that we set ourselves up as the next potential victim of government intolerance. It is important that each of us as conservatives gain as much factual information as is possible before we jump to any conclusion.

What if the people who had their children taken away were some branch of Judaism? After all some of those folk wear some pretty strange articles of clothing and have some beliefs that others might consider odd at best.

What about some of the things believed and practiced by the Catholic Church? Some people find their beliefs to be out of step with fundamentalist Christianity. Should the government be able to take into protective custody many children of a parish where a priest has been accused or even convicted of child molestation?

I don’t want to see anyone get away with hurting a child. But at the same time I don’t want to see my governing authorities make a raid such as in Texas in order to allegedly protect those children without having first obtained the necessary documentation proving that any child is in danger.

The end result will prove to be that no one of us will be permitted to give any form of religious instruction to our children. That is not the principles upon which this country was built. That is not conservative thinking.

Some have suggested that the government used such tactics so as to avoid a Waco type incident moving in fast and hard. So if that is the case are we to conclude that it is now acceptable to use such tactics simply because of an operation which was completely screwed up by Janet Reno?

The continued violation of peoples religious and civil rights is not an acceptable response to the Waco blunder. It is mandatory that a full investigation of the incident be carried out by the Justice Department in order to determine the timeline of events and fully review all legal procedures.

It is necessary to do this not simply to protect a group the practices of which most find offensive, but in order to assure that each of us retains our constitutional rights. Anything less would be a violation of conservative principles!

Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Conservative Internet Media Publishing © 2008
Contact Mayflower Desdendant

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What is America?

Yes, what is America, a question asked by many generations of Americans, all who found their way to a new land of promise. The simple answer is that it is whatever those who have a voice make it. But it is only by having that voice heard by its leadership that America stays on course.

It is a land that has given a promise of freedom to many who came from oppressed lands and slavery to some taken here against their will. It is a land that has made many mistakes in its journey to true freedom and liberty.

No Nation that is an oppressor can long survive and rightly does not deserve to survive. It is a land that has sought the will of Almighty God and a land which has turned away from the face of God.

The future direction of the Nation is in the hands of those who are elected to high office. But more importantly the future direction of the Nation is in the hands of those who either speak out or refrain from speaking out. By voice or by silence the Nation is guided for better or worse.

That leadership can only guide the ship of state on a true heading if it remains true to conservative values which have over the decades kept it safe and on course against the winds of liberal tempest.

The greatest strength of the Nation is in the voice of the people. The greatest weakness of the Nation is in the silence of those same people. We are in a Quest to make a Diagnostic Evaluation of that Voice of We the People.

Mayflower Descendant
Mayflower Conservative Internet Media Publishing © 2008
Contact Mayflower Desdendant